English Phrases

Here is a list of some phrases in English with their Latin equivalents meant to showcase how the English sentence looks like in Latin.

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There are currently 185 phrases.

She will see how great the strength of their words had been.

For me, email shall never replace written letters. These letters are more personal and representative of its author, and because of this we cannot defer.

The father did not know that Molly has been killed by her boyfriend at her house.

While Caesar was alive, Horus did not go to Rome.

We ate Mom's excellently cooked food with joy.

I am loved by her, and she is loved by me.

The great woman cooked good food for my serious brothers and sisters.

The dying old man was wanting to walk, but he could not.

Sam will not send that letter to Emora, but he will send this letter to her if these hearts are in it.

I found my smallest object with my good friend, and I placed it in my shoe so no one can find it.

Have you persuaded her to marry you?

That is a rather large book which you are reading.

Marcus fled Greece to find his mother in Rome.

The son sought public office with help from his father.

This is the eighth day to dine.

The fierce brother has bad plans.

You are my best friend, and we will be best friends forever.

Do you see the large mountains, King?

To love money is bad and can lead you to a worse life.

Cicero was ignorant of the ambush at that time.

The faithful soldier guarded the powerful king from the bad people.

Give the statue to me, now!

We will rejoice all summer.

I can play some games, but I have more work to do first.

I am tired of school.

In one month, I will ask Janet, "Did you cook the cow for two or three hours?"

Do not tell me who you are; it is better to tell the king your name.

Have a wonderful and pleasant day!

Knowledge can kill the strongest of men.

I can speak Latin.

I cannot hear you.

You can never take her away from me!

Quintus gave Scintilla a gift so that she would love him.

Happy Birthday!

With the boy wanting to give the girl some roses, the father endured having been persuaded to allow this.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image…"

I will lead in the war that the greedy, most evil king began.

Did anyone trust the words of the senator today?

Rufus is a Roman boy, and Julia is a Roman girl.

Julius reads sillier books than Maria.

I heard that you had wandered in the garden.

We know that Cornelia is a Roman girl.

They sailed the worst river.

Aurora knows that her friend greatly loves her. Her friend also knows that he is very greatly loved by Aurora.

Fabius wrote a poem a little longer than the poem of Claudius.

That isn't good for you to do.

I came to serve, not to be served.

In Italy, when madness was ruling, several senators marched into ships.

Does anyone feel that the senator is covering his crimes?

To be or not to be.

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