Here is a list of some phrases in English with their Latin equivalents meant to showcase how the English sentence looks like in Latin.
There are currently 185 phrases.
It is allowed for you to cry at funerals.
Licet tibi ad funera flere. (See here)
In 13 days, I will become the ninth dictator of the fifth nation, and I will with honor make peace on behalf of the second council that has twelve people in it.
In diebus tredecim, dictatorem nonum patriae quintae incipiam, et ego otium honore propter concilium secundum quid homines duodecim in eo habet faciam. (See here)
The mother asked her children not to run in the garden.
Mater liberos imperavit ne in horto currerent. (See here)
With her son, Stuart, having been given a kiss by his girlfriend, Julia, the mother knew that her son was growing into a young man.
Filio eius, Stuarti, dato basium ab amica eius, Iulia, mater putavit filium eius augere in iuvenem. (See here)
This is the eighth day to dine.
Hic diem octavum est cenare. (See here)
To be or not to be.
Esse aut non esse. (See here)
Did he give you your book, Marcus?
Deditne tibi librum tuum, Marce? (See here)
The good man gave his beautiful wife a kiss, and with much love, he said, "I love you with all my heart."
Vir bonus uxori pulchrae eius suavium dedit, et multo cum amore, is dixit, "Ego te amo omne meo corde." (See here)
I am loved by her, and she is loved by me.
Ab ea amor, et ea ab me amatur. (See here)
It is necessary for students to study a second language.
Discipulis linguae secundae studere necesse est. (See here)
We will rejoice all summer.
Totam aestatem gaudebimus. (See here)
You are my best friend, and we will be best friends forever.
Amicus optimus mei es, et amici optimi erimus aetatem. (See here)
I am happier than you, but you are the most famous of us.
Ego lautior quam tu sum, sed tu clarissimus nostri es. (See here)
Will love escape me, or will I escape love?
Amorne me evadet, aut egone amorem evadet? (See here)
Call your faithful husband today, my mother.
Mater mea, maritum tuum fidelem vocas hodie. (See here)
By the end of the day, I will have made a wonderful gift for Father.
Ante finem diei, donum mirum patri fecero. (See here)
With him willing, all will be led.
Eo volente omnes agentur. (See here)
English Translation here
meme man
Latin Phrase Here
quentiam hominem (See here)
Cicero was ignorant of the ambush at that time.
Cicero eo tempore de insidiis ignovit. (See here)
The great woman cooked good food for my serious brothers and sisters.
Femina magna cibum bonum coxit pro fratibus sororibusque meis gravibus. (See here)
You can never take her away from me!
Eam ab me potes capere. (See here)
My twelfth dog ran to my seventh cow in three open fields.
Canis meus duodecimus ad bovem meam septimam in campis tribus apertis cuccurit. (See here)
I only buy the best food for my family.
Cibum optimum pro mei familia emo. (See here)
Although I was absent, my friends at school read through this great book without me.
Quamquam aberam, amici mei ad ludum librum hunc magnum sine me perlegerunt. (See here)
Does anyone feel that the senator is covering his crimes?
Quisquamne sentit senatorem tegere crimen eius? (See here)
The son sought public office with help from his father.
Natus honorem auxilio de patre eius petivit. (See here)
What is your name?
Quis nomen tuus est? (See here)
They ask why you cannot go with us.
Rogant cur nobiscum possis non ire. (See here)
The knight offered the flower to the daughter of the king.
Eques florem filiae regis obtulit. (See here)
While Caesar was alive, Horus did not go to Rome.
Caesare vivente, Horus Romam non ivit. (See here)
I will not grow to be much bigger.
Non augebo esse multo maiorem. (See here)
We know that Cornelia is a Roman girl.
Scimus Corneliam puellam Romanam esse. (See here)
To eat in the inn was a good fortune for the tired travelers.
Cenare in caupona erat bonae fortunae fessis viatoribus. (See here)
Grain will be given to the poor citizens in the city center.
Frumentum civibus pauperis in agora dabitur. (See here)
Give the money to me!
Date pecuniam mihi! (See here)
Gaius likes the prettiest girls in school.
Gaius puellas pulcherrimas in ludo amat. (See here)
Marcus is always losing money.
Marcus pecuniam semper perdit. (See here)
My sister use to wash me because of my youth, but I can now wash myself.
Soror mea me propter adulscentiam meam lavabat, sed ego me nunc possum lavare. (See here)
The rich king was given a very comfortable bed by his soldiers today.
Regi diviti lectus contentissimus ab militibus eius datus est hodie. (See here)
That isn't good for you to do.
Illud bonum non est tibi agere. (See here)
Rufus is a Roman boy, and Julia is a Roman girl.
Rufus est puer Romanus, et Iulia est puella Romana. (See here)
This man's son will work with me tomorrow, and his daughter will show my sister her house in three hours all day.
Filius huius viri mecum cras laborabit, et filia eius domum eius sorori meae horis tribus diem totam ostendet. (See here)
Although the queen had been captured by the king's worst enemies, the king's soldiers did not immediately prepare to save her.
Quamquam regina ab hostibus pessimis regis capta erat, milites regis eam non statim paraverunt servare. (See here)
Aurora knows that her friend greatly loves her. Her friend also knows that he is very greatly loved by Aurora.
Aurora putat amicum eius eam magnopere amare. Amicus eius quoque putat se ab Aurora maxime amari. (See here)
I am tired of school.
Mihi ludi taedet. (See here)
The cruelest and richest king lived for a very long time, however with his death a more happy time was greatly brought up.
Rex crudelissimus divissimus diutius vixit, tamen morte eius tempus laetius magnopere efficiebat. (See here)
Lucius gave bigger kisses to the most delightful girl.
Lucius basia maiora puellae iucundissimae dedit. (See here)
I will give all the glory of my heart to God who is king.
Ego glorias onmes amoris mei Deo qui rex est dabo. (See here)