Here is a list of some phrases in English with their Latin equivalents meant to showcase how the English sentence looks like in Latin.
There are currently 185 phrases.
Julius reads sillier books than Maria.
Iulius libros absurdiores legit quam Maria. (See here)
The rich king was given a very comfortable bed by his soldiers today.
Regi diviti lectus contentissimus ab militibus eius datus est hodie. (See here)
I ran more quickly than her, but Hank ran the most quickly of us.
Ego ea celerius cucurri, sed Hank nostri celerrime cucurrit. (See here)
I can play some games, but I have more work to do first.
Ludos nonullos possum ludere, sed officia plora habeo primum agere. (See here)
The happy girl whom was running toward the fountain doesn't like to sleep very often.
Puella laeta quae ad fontem currebat valde saepe non amat dormire. (See here)
I am and will always be the angriest of all people to exist!
Iratissimus sum et semper ero populi omnis esse! (See here)
My twelfth dog ran to my seventh cow in three open fields.
Canis meus duodecimus ad bovem meam septimam in campis tribus apertis cuccurit. (See here)
We will do great favors for him after his labor.
Post laborem eius gratias magnas ei agemus. (See here)
Do you think that the father ought to read books to his son?
Scisne patrem libros eius filio decere legere? (See here)
In one month, I will ask Janet, "Did you cook the cow for two or three hours?"
Mense uno, Ianeti quaeram, "Tune bovem horas duos tresve coxisti?" (See here)
Death cannot hold He who is God.
Mors Eum qui Deus est non potest habere. (See here)
The queen offered the world to the soldiers.
Regina militibus terras obtulit. (See here)
I was unable to read today.
Non potui legere hodie. (See here)
Grain will be given to the poor citizens in the city center.
Frumentum civibus pauperis in agora dabitur. (See here)
Did he give you your book, Marcus?
Deditne tibi librum tuum, Marce? (See here)
I am asking him to purchase a ship.
Eum rogo ut navem emat. (See here)
The great woman cooked good food for my serious brothers and sisters.
Femina magna cibum bonum coxit pro fratibus sororibusque meis gravibus. (See here)
With her son, Stuart, having been given a kiss by his girlfriend, Julia, the mother knew that her son was growing into a young man.
Filio eius, Stuarti, dato basium ab amica eius, Iulia, mater putavit filium eius augere in iuvenem. (See here)
I am loved by her, and she is loved by me.
Ab ea amor, et ea ab me amatur. (See here)
We did not know why he spoke sharply.
Nescivimus cur acriter diceret. (See here)
Seth becomes very sad.
Seth miserrimum fit. (See here)
Jones had started to overpower his enemy, but he quite quickly yielded to him.
Jones inimicum eius inceperat superare, tamen is ei celerius cessit. (See here)
It is bad to love money, but it is good to give it.
Malum est pecuniam amare, sed bonum est eam dare. (See here)
The mother asked her children not to run in the garden.
Mater liberos imperavit ne in horto currerent. (See here)
Yesterday, when Antonia was walking to the store, she saw a strange man.
Hera, ubi Antonia ad copiam, virum novum vidit. (See here)
To love money is bad and can lead you to a worse life.
Amare pecuniam malum est et te ad vitam peiorem potest ducere. (See here)
I am happier than you, but you are the most famous of us.
Ego lautior quam tu sum, sed tu clarissimus nostri es. (See here)
I will give all the glory of my heart to God who is king.
Ego glorias onmes amoris mei Deo qui rex est dabo. (See here)
They sailed the worst river.
Ei flumen pessimum navigant. (See here)
Cicero will speak in two hours.
Cicero duabus horis dicet. (See here)
I come from the great farms with my loyal friends.
Venio ab agris magnis cum amicis meis fidelibus. (See here)
To be or not to be.
Esse aut non esse. (See here)
Julius reads sillier books than Maria.
Iulius libros absurdiores quam Maria. (See here)
To realize the mistakes that I have made makes me sad.
Sentire errores quos feci me miserum facit. (See here)
The faithful soldier guarded the powerful king from the bad people.
Miles fidelis regem potentem custodiebat ad populis malis. (See here)
Tomorrow, we will conquer the people of Rome by means of our plan, and without delay, we will prepare ourselves for the day!
Cras, populos Romarum vincemus constilie nostri, et sine mora, nos die parabimus! (See here)
Which officer was in charge of the legion?
Legatus quis legioni praefuit? (See here)
The good man gave his beautiful wife a kiss, and with much love, he said, "I love you with all my heart."
Vir bonus uxori pulchrae eius suavium dedit, et multo cum amore, is dixit, "Ego te amo omne meo corde." (See here)
For me, email shall never replace written letters. These letters are more personal and representative of its author, and because of this we cannot defer.
Mihi, email litteras scriptas numquam substituit. Litterae hae privatiores et describentes scriptoris sunt, atque propter hoc possumus differre. (See here)
My father likes to read many books.
Pater mei legere libros multos amat. (See here)
The farmers are happy on a good year.
Agricolae sunt laeti bono anno. (See here)
Have you persuaded her to marry you?
Persuasistine ei nubere tibi? (See here)
Concern wraps around my mind as I sit in my chair.
Cura circum animum mei intorquet ut in sella mei sedeo. (See here)
Milo was so tired that he slept on the road.
Milo tam fessus erat ut in via dormiret. (See here)
Every heart bears a secret within itself, but it is these secrets that define us and how we live in this world.
Cor quidque arcanum intra se fert, sed arcana haec definiunt nos et quomodo in mundo hoc vivimus. (See here)
It is necessary for students to study a second language.
Discipulis linguae secundae studere necesse est. (See here)
This is madness!
Hic furor est! (See here)