Here is a list of some phrases in English with their Latin equivalents meant to showcase how the English sentence looks like in Latin.
There are currently 185 phrases.
The angry Jack said to his foolish friend, "You are loving that girl, Max? She is a very horrible girl whom you love!"
Jack iratus amico fatuo dixit, "Tu puellam istam amas, Max? Ea puella pessima quam amas est!" (See here)
I ran more quickly than her, but Hank ran the most quickly of us.
Ego ea celerius cucurri, sed Hank nostri celerrime cucurrit. (See here)
"How are you?" said Jack. "I am well," Celia said to him.
"Quomodo es?" Iack dixit. "Bene sum," Celia ei dixit. (See here)
Caesar was so drunk that he could not attack Gaul.
Caesar tam erbius erat ut Galliam oppugnare non posset. (See here)
The cruelest and richest king lived for a very long time, however with his death a more happy time was greatly brought up.
Rex crudelissimus divissimus diutius vixit, tamen morte eius tempus laetius magnopere efficiebat. (See here)
My day was good. My day was bad. This day was the worst. This day was the best.
Dies meus bonus erat. Dies meus malus erat. Dies hic pessimus erat. Dies hic optimus erat. (See here)
The fierce brother has bad plans.
Frater ferox constilia mala habet. (See here)
Aurora knows that her friend greatly loves her. Her friend also knows that he is very greatly loved by Aurora.
Aurora putat amicum eius eam magnopere amare. Amicus eius quoque putat se ab Aurora maxime amari. (See here)
Quintus gave Scintilla a gift so that she would love him.
Quintus donum Scintillae dedit ut eum amet. (See here)
The Latin Dictionary: Where Latin meets English.
Latinus Verbum-Liber: Ubi Latina English occurit. (See here)
This is the eighth day to dine.
Hic diem octavum est cenare. (See here)
It is allowed for you to cry at funerals.
Licet tibi ad funera flere. (See here)
The faithful soldier guarded the powerful king from the bad people.
Miles fidelis regem potentem custodiebat ad populis malis. (See here)
Milo was so tired that he slept on the road.
Milo tam fessus erat ut in via dormiret. (See here)
The farmers are happy on a good year.
Agricolae sunt laeti bono anno. (See here)
I am asking him to purchase a ship.
Eum rogo ut navem emat. (See here)
What is your name?
Quis nomen tuus est? (See here)
Do you think that the father ought to read books to his son?
Scisne patrem libros eius filio decere legere? (See here)
I am loved by her, and she is loved by me.
Ab ea amor, et ea ab me amatur. (See here)
They sailed the worst river.
Ei flumen pessimum navigant. (See here)
Cicero was ignorant of the ambush at that time.
Cicero eo tempore de insidiis ignovit. (See here)
Fabius led his horses home lest they become frightened by the storm.
Fabius equos domum duxit ne tempestate timerentur. (See here)
The dying old man was wanting to walk, but he could not.
Senex periens volebat ambulare, sed non potuit. (See here)
Everything I can do, you can do better, and this annoys me.
Omnia possum agere, tu melius potes agere, et hoc me vexat. (See here)
Tomorrow, we will conquer the people of Rome by means of our plan, and without delay, we will prepare ourselves for the day!
Cras, populos Romarum vincemus constilie nostri, et sine mora, nos die parabimus! (See here)
I cannot hear you.
Te non possum audire. (See here)
Marcus is always losing money.
Marcus pecuniam semper perdit. (See here)
Grain will be given to the poor citizens in the city center.
Frumentum civibus pauperis in agora dabitur. (See here)
It is necessary for students to study a second language.
Discipulis linguae secundae studere necesse est. (See here)
Will love escape me, or will I escape love?
Amorne me evadet, aut egone amorem evadet? (See here)
She will see how great the strength of their words had been.
Ea videbit quanta vis verborum eorum fuerit. (See here)
We ate Mom's excellently cooked food with joy.
Matris cibum melius coctum cum gaudio edimus. (See here)
I hear that you were wandering in the garden.
Audio te erravisse in horto. (See here)
I come from the great farms with my loyal friends.
Venio ab agris magnis cum amicis meis fidelibus. (See here)
The happy girl whom was running toward the fountain doesn't like to sleep very often.
Puella laeta quae ad fontem currebat valde saepe non amat dormire. (See here)
I buy the best food for my family.
Cibum optimum pro familia mea emo. (See here)
I love you. Do you love me?
Te amo. Tune me amas? (See here)
My brother sleeps for a very long time.
Frater meus diutissime dormit. (See here)
Who is the small boy whom the larger, more powerful man is threatening? Does he need help? I will help him before the man hurts him.
Quis puer parvus quem vir maior potentior imminet est? Isne auxilium egerit? Ego eum adiuvabo ante vir eum nocet. (See here)
Who doesn't like any bird?
Quis avem ullam non amat? (See here)
Does anyone feel that the senator is covering his crimes?
Quisquamne sentit senatorem tegere crimen eius? (See here)
This is madness!
Hic furor est! (See here)
The power having been seized by the son, the father lived near the city center without a care.
Imperio a filio occupato, pater ad agoram sine cura habitabat. (See here)
Brutus will kill Caesar within this year.
Brutus Caesarem hoc anno occidet. (See here)
I will give all the glory of my heart to God who is king.
Ego glorias onmes amoris mei Deo qui rex est dabo. (See here)
They ask why you cannot go with us.
Rogant cur nobiscum possis non ire. (See here)
I did not give the richer girl money.
Pecuniam puellae divitiori non do. (See here)
Jesus died for you so that you would not live in everlasting grief.
Iesus tibi periit ut in dolore perpetuo non viveres. (See here)
Don't make me angry; you won't like me when I am angry.
Mihi iratum non face; tu me non amabis cum ego iratus sum. (See here)