Recent Words
This is a list of the 60 most recent words added to the dictionary.
Word | Part of Speech | Translation |
Premere | verb | To press, squeeze |
Rigidus | adjective | Stiff, rigid |
Pudor | noun | Shame, modesty |
Crus | noun | Leg, shin |
Contrahere | verb | To draw together, assemble |
Parcere | verb | To spare, be lenient |
Dextra | noun | Right hand, right hand side |
Linea | noun | Line |
Iungere | verb | To join together, connect, unite |
Fluere | verb | To flow |
Tergum | noun | Back, rear |
Verber | noun | Whip, lash |
Notare | verb | To mark, write |
Agitare | verb | To drive, move, or impel animals |
Pascere | verb | To feed |
Precari | verb | To beg, pray |
Spectare | verb | To look at, see, watch |
Iudicium | noun | Trial, court; judgement, opinion, sentence |
Ruere | verb | To hurry, rush; to fall down |
Volare | verb | To fly |
Apis | noun | Bee |
Solere | verb | To be accustomed |
Praecipue | adverb | Especially |
Venari | verb | To hunt, chase |
Curvus | adjective | Bent, curved |
Pestis | noun | Plague, pest; ruin, destruction |
Venenum | noun | Drug, poison |
Heu | interjection | Alas (expressing dismay or pain) |
Intestina | noun | Intestines, guts, entrails |
Pietas | noun | Piety, sense of duty; filial love |
Optare | verb | To choose, wish |
Pudicus | adjective | Pure, chaste, modest |
Laetitia | noun | Happiness, joy, delight, elation |
Pectus | noun | Chest, breast; heart, mind (fig) |
Ops | noun | Power or ability to help; resources or wealth (plural) |
Sive | conjunction | Or, or if, whether…or |
Pervincere | verb | To conquer completely, surpass |
Deponere | verb | To lay; put away, get rid of |
Desinere | verb | To cease, stop, desist, abandon |
Reducere | verb | To withdraw, lead back |
Quacumque | adverb | Wherever; anyhow, in any way |
Ingratus | adjective | Thankless, ungrateful |
Aetas | noun | Age, Lifetime; Period of life |
Abuti | verb | To use up, exhaust |
Fallere | verb | To deceive, beguile, trick |
Violare | verb | To violate |
Fides | noun | Trust, faith, belief |
Pius | adjective | Dutiful, conscientious |
Cogitare | verb | To think, ponder, wonder, imagine |
Voluptas | noun | Pleasure, enjoyment; sights, entertainment (plural) |
Prior | adjective | Prior, former, previous |
Recordari | verb | To remember, recount |
Immo | adverb | Rather, no (corrects a previous assertion) |
Contra | preposition | Against, in opposition of |
Destinare | verb | To resolve, determine, secure |
Basiare | verb | To kiss |
At | conjunction | But, yet |
Obdurare | verb | To persist, stand firm |
Mens | noun | Mind |
Perferre | verb | To convey, bring; to bear, endure |
Defendere verb to defend
Medicus noun Physician
Doctor noun Doctor
page revision: 9, last edited: 03 Jul 2021 01:50