Recent Words

This is a list of the 60 most recent words added to the dictionary.

Word Part of Speech Translation
Vulpes noun Fox
Agnus noun Lamb
Aries noun Ram
Piscis noun Fish
Lupus noun Wolf
Lepus noun Rabbit, Hare
Sagitta noun Arrow (of a bow and arrow)
Expedire verb To set free
Munire verb To fortify
Vates noun Prophet, soothsayer
Injuria noun Injury
Ara noun Altar
Herba noun Grass
Epistula noun Letter (mail)
Potentia noun Power, force, might
sustineo, sustinere verb sustain
Audere verb to dare, to risk
Alienus adjective Unfavorable, another's, foreign
Hiberna, hibernorum noun winter quarters
Agricola adjective meet
Ancilla noun Young Maid, Slave girl
Piscator noun Fisherman
Coniuratus noun Conspirator
Gradus noun Degree, rank, step
Unus pronoun One
Defendere verb to defend, protect
Classis noun Fleet
Catena noun Chain
Calix noun cup
Ancora noun Anchor
Aegritudo noun Sickness, Illness
Pax noun Peace
Pulmo noun Lung
Dominus noun Lord, Master
Carrus noun Cart, Wagon (also used substantively as a word for "car")
Audacia noun Boldness, Daring
Telum noun Weapon
Proelium noun Battle
Impedimenta noun Baggage
Impedimentum noun Hindrance
Fuga noun Flight
Copiae noun Forces, Troops
Auxilia noun Auxiliary troops, Reinforcements
Asia noun Asia Minor
Africa noun Africa
Liberare verb To free, To set free
Confirmare verb To declare, To encourage, To strengthen
Interim adverb Meanwhile
Sacer adjective Holy, Sacred
Vulnerare verb To wound
Comportare verb To bring together, To carry together
Nuntiare verb To announce, To report
Exspectare verb To await, To wait for
Convocare verb To assemble, To call together, To summon
Comparare verb To arrange, To prepare eagerly, To put together
Collaudare verb To praise highly
Longus adjective Long
Ferus adjective Fierce, Savage, Wild
Captivus noun Captive
Altus adjective Deep, High

Defendere verb to defend

Medicus noun Physician

Doctor noun Doctor

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