Index Recent Reverse

This is a list of the 60 most recent words added to the dictionary, but reverse from the Recent Index. The Latin definitions are concealed until you highlight over them.

Translation Part of Speech Word
To flee verb Fugere
Greatest adjective Summus
To snatch, grap, take away verb Rapere
To move violently; displace verb Commovere
To take back verb Recipere
To use, employ verb Uti
To fight, battle verb Pugnare
The Senate noun Senatus
To shout, clamor verb Clamare
To come to be, arise verb Crescere
Wall noun Murus
Light noun Lumen
Marketplace, public center noun Forum
Neighbor noun Vicinus
Meanwhile, nevertheless adverb Interea
For a short time adverb Paulisper
A fight, battle, dispute noun Pugna
To reach, approach; to agree verb Accedere
To remain; expect; endure verb Manere
To go into, enter verb Ingredi
To offer verb Praebere
To hide verb Celare
Breath, Breathing; Breeze, Air; Inspiration; Character, Arrogance noun Spiritus
House, cottage noun Casa
To go in, enter verb Intro
To hurry, rush verb Festinare
Spherical adjective Globosus
To proceed; continue verb Pergere
Table; meal noun Mensa
Rock, boulder noun Saxum
To shut, close, block verb Claudere
To wander verb Vagari
Temple, sanctuary, shrine noun Delubrum
Ignorant, unaware adjective Ignarus
To thrust, fasten, impress, imprint verb Infigere
To cling, stick, be attached verb Haerere
Fire; lightning noun Ignis
Blind; secret, dark adjective Caecus
To burden, load; oppress verb Gravare
Hurt, ill adjective Saucius
To remain, to survive verb Superesse
To dance verb Saltare
Of a different color adjective Discolor
To fly away, fly out verb Evolare
Door, post, doorpost noun Postis
Hair noun Capillus
To disturb, confuse verb Turbare
To recall, take back, withdraw verb Revocare
Look, see interjection En
Everywhere, from all sides adverb Undique
Left hand noun Sinistra
To stretch, spread verb Tendere
Vow, prayer; longing noun Votum
To go under, go in verb Subire
To move toward verb Admovere
To go around, circle verb Circumire
Turn; a pillar in a Circus race noun Meta
Roomy, ample, large adjective Spatiosus
Equal, fair, level adjective Aequus
Prison, barrier; starting area for a race noun Carcer
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